Contrasty Yet Compatible: The Tale of “ P” & “ N ”

6 min readJun 30, 2020


Couples are made in heaven, an age-old dogma settled in the dust. We might come with fabricated stories around us but even in the 21st centuries, some narratives are as pure as it looks. The moment I met Prina & Navid, a working couple raised in the urban settings at some point was just as naive as traditional lovebirds from the 1800s. With an unconventional styling and approach towards the society, P&N sparked in every frame I’ve snapped. The bedazzled couple dipped in love has injected life into the 2D frames of a photograph with their unique expressions.

A set from the explosive Holud Event of “Prina & Navid”

We asked a few questions being curious, Prina & Navid jotted down and answered in their own distinctive manner.

Love is not in the air but everywhere. Photographs by “M” Aminur Rahman

How you two met? Is there anything you want to share from your first date / early days of dating?

We ourselves found each other and to me, it was some beautiful play of destiny. When I first met him, he was a brand-new person whom I have never met before, and it was like unwrapping every side bit by bit. Our early days were full of chitchats, internet-sourced fun couple games, and quick catching up sessions after work over a cup of coffee. On most days we got to learn something new about each other.

Sporty yet Class, the originality of Prina & Navid scorched the heat in the frames captured

Anyone who’s met you two might find there are a lot more dissimilarities in terms of your choices? Is that so? How you’ve overcome?

Well, we haven’t overcome that. We are living with it as it’s the beauty of love. We don’t believe in caging. We have similarities and dissimilarities and that basically completes the puzzle.

Always curious and open to ideas, that’s the deal for Prina & Navid

What are the best gel-ing points of you two? What makes you not just another couple?

(For the Love of Art) Well, we both have an immense passion for any form of art, which helped us to open up to each other in silence.

Does music connect you and Navid? As a hardcode hobbyist musician how you inspire him to have outdone himself when he makes music?

As a form of art yes it does. I can tell how things sound and feels (Don’t call me a creep!). The language of music is not my thing but the expression of it which means to me. Every passionate artist needs a space to create his/ her work, the same goes for him. He needs isolation to indulge himself in the solitude of music and I make sure he gets that. Whenever he writes or records, I leave his thoughts alone. In most cases, I am the one who gets to listen to the newly born tunes or pieces (You might call me privileged but wife comes first, right!).

Contrasty yet Compatible: The Tale of Prina & Navid

Tell us 5 points you two have in contrast. How does it reflect your relationship (Love / Hate)?

  • I am more of a dreamer, and he is a doer. I would dream of having an organized closet and will start doing it, only to end up in a room full of the mess; and then he takes things over and organizes the whole thing with his amazing organizing skill (Take a Bow).
  • Navid is a complete social butterfly, where I am like this simpsons, It's good though, it makes a good blend, and we get to learn things from each other. At times I observe and learn how to express better in a warm, genial way from him, and he gets his share of peace and quiet when he is around me.
  • That leads to another contrast we have between us. Interestingly, all Navid’s work and hobbies are related to music and sound, whereas you can barely tell if I am in the same room. My chores are all noise-free, be that reading something, frequent napping, painting, but yes I would never keep the book back to the shelf or tidy up the place after I paint, that’s where Navid comes to the rescue.
  • I am a complete sucker for work-life balance. To me, it holds the top priority. On the contrary, Navid is extremely workaholic and a high-achiever. There is barely any space for a workout, yoga, meditation, or conventional way of self-care in his plate, and in my plate, these are the biggest chunk lol.
  • Lastly, our choice of hot beverage is exactly like the menu board on any café. I would have anything starting from a variety of herbal tea to coffee but never milk-tea. Navid, on the other hand, prefers to start his day with nothing but a cup of milk tea. (Secret Recipe: Tea Vs Coffee is a major pointer to a health and balanced conjugal life).
How they’ve created magic with their expressions, Masterpiece frames by M Aminur Rahman

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